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Tag: Volcanoes


Gently erupting volcanoes with gushing lava flows & fountains are a volcano geek’s wildest dream come true. When they are quiet, they also offer stunning hiking routes in otherworldly landscapes.

Standing next to a line of 8 erupting craters is a whole new level of the mind being blown. This was completely Off The Scale.

I stood utterly mesmerized looking upon the creation process of Earth itself.

And then there’s this beautiful yet ‘unpronounceable’ volcano, silently looming in the background. Until it erupted into world fame…

El Hierro – A volcanic hotspot underneath the sea

El Hierro – A volcanic hotspot underneath the sea

El Hierro, the most remote and authentic of the Canary Islands, with volcanic activity still bubbling underneath the sea. Once considered as the edge of the known world, El Hierro consists mostly of huge cliffs rising straight up from the sea to over 1000 metres high, and an enormous crescent shaped valley. It’s absolutely spectacular.